”This is a indeed a scandal”

“Who has been sewing up an informer? What is the reason for this?”

“He did not look like an informer, he seemed like a pleasent child.”

“Did he, be Moses!“ “Nevertheless he, shall be hunted down and destroyed!”.

The watching birds broke out into a grim hanging ballad:

Farewell to all, my days are numbered, I must bid this world adieu;

In the prime of life I am doomed to die Upon the fatal gallows tree. The brand of Cain is for ever on me, For this cruel deed I own I've done, My foes, are gathered for the slaughter, My father now weeps for his son.

The brand of Cain is for ever on me, For this cruel deed I own I've done.

Natures friend's! how I loathed you, Your sufferings there was none could tell; And when you found that you was slighted,

Your rage and grief none could excell.

Thy innocent blood it cries for vengence, My death is cruel by your talons;

Blood for blood--fulfills the scripture, Thus I resign to God's command.

“Don’t worry, they can’t see you” said the raven on the left. “They can’t see you, don’t worry“ said the raven on the right.
