Where to begin?
The beggining?
I tried that, but it was not right, we live in a back to front era, so it is necessary to begin from the end.
In the end heaven and earth shall pass away and there will be a new beggining.
There will be a new universe full of new people and our ghosts will inhabit it in the form of rocks which will erode into sand which will become clay, which will become again human, where we shall be slaves to the new generation.
Others of us will acheive nirvana by eliminating evil, some will acheive partial nirvana by resisting evil.
The moral of the story is that there always ought to be a moral.
All rivers flow to the sea yet the sea is not full, to the place where they come from there they return.
But not all rivers reach the sea, some dry up in the heat long before they reach the sea, which to my mind is a peculiarly tragic fate.
Our river will not reach the sea, it will become a narrow trickle of contaminated water which will be diverted to the sewer, it will not be fit for the sea.
The force of ego will cause people to enslave others, who will do so by enslaving their apetites.
But the egotists will become enslaved by their own apetites and they will enslave each other.
And there will come a time if such a thing as mercy exists then fire and destruction shall come upon them.
But then it must be said that, that might not happen, but that is the course that we are running.
To understand how we got here we must go back to the beggining, but here we are still at the end, it is almost unbearable but we must continue regressing further.
Think back to the last day of one of the last civilisations worthy of the name.
It was on an isolated planetoid, free of contact from other stars many long years after even earth's firmament was shattered.
By then the process of colonisation had been polished to a better point than it had ever been before.
For half a million years these gentle people had built their temples, tended their subterranean gardens, watched the stars and pondered the universe, not realising it was out to get them all the time.
Down came the transporter beams to take the unlucky ones, the explosives came down taking away the lucky ones in minutes.
Their ancient journals are kept, everything else is turned to rubble, all the life giving minerals are extracted from it within a week.
No time to mourn, no one left to truely mourn, maybe a twinge of regret from the watching operatives, how many of the operatives? how many operatives were there anyway?
There was someone left to mourn; waiting, unseen as always, there must have been.
Then we go back, a long way back, to the war between the Northern Caliphates and the Empire when the Earth's atmosphere was stripped away and humanity was stripped of it's home and left to wander through space.
Look back to the time where the Mahdi rose up against oppression from the west and from the east and broke through into a Europe so devastated by war and hopelessness as to be powerless against him, where the kafir were defeated and cast to the ground and their evil influence was taken from the world forever.
In the latter days of Europe fantastic ephemeral demons roamed the planet, beautiful and destructive creatures made by human hands in California, not a threat or evil in themselves but made to serve their selfish masters, they may be killers but do not blame them more than you blame a wild animal for obeying it's instincts, they were more slaves than anyone.
The people then were dedicated to the worship of the trinity of Mammon, Pathos and Ego, this trinity was given the false name of The Common Good.
Anyone who defied this religion were as infidels before them suppressed in a most brutal manner.
The high priests of this religion were entitled to all worldly wealth and wielded more power than the nominal rulers and waged many and frequent fruitless wars in their campaign for World Peace while the people lived in rags and starvation.
Yet their rights were not infringed upon, they produced much wealth to feed The Common Good and human progress continued at an ever greater pace in labatories, deep, deep underground where it could cause the least distress to the casual onlooker.
This creed was developed from the previous religion of the European peoples: The Cult of Logos.
This cult was promoted by sophists who overthrew the ancient and venerable creed of their ancestors bit by bit, decade by decade, by deceit and fallacious arguments in favour of their false deity.
The people would come to this idol for guidance, but this deceitful being would irrevocably and in no uncertain terms make a pronouncement to one audience, then to another make quite a different contradicting pronouncement to another group, thus inciting discord and murder among men.
For this reason brothers turned against brothers, Fathers turned against sons and sons against Fathers, each thinking the other to have been mistaken in their interpretation of the words of Logos, never realising Logos was a fickle master to begin with.
According to this most absurd creed the human heart was merely an organ used to pump blood and the soul was a pathetic delusion, that our perceptions were faulty and only Logos held the truth.
Logos would cause people to reach the heights of sophistication, but instead of offering satisfaction in this would suddenly make them yearn to be primitive, a yearning that they could now never realise.
It would feed peoples appetites, but only make them more insatiable.
It would cause nations to build empires, but the empires would then make them uneasy and regretful.
It would cause them to pursue beauty, but then instill a preference for ugliness.
It would tell the people to build a barrier between themselves and nature and then make them long for nature again.
In doing so it could cause people to become directionless and disorientated so the sophists could rob them of their liberty.
Some people understood the trick Logos had played on them but they did not realise that Logos was a god or that there was such a thing as a god, so continued to be fooled not realising the scale of the deception.
Some found other idols and others returned to the worship of the god of Abraham, but the powers of temptation Logos had were great, but not as great as the temptation of the supplanters: Pathos, Mammon and Ego.
The cult of Logos orginated in Italy where true Christianity was supplanted by the wicked princes who ruled that land in favour of Roman paganism in a thin disguise.
Before that point Europe was terrorised by Northern brutes, who battled with Godfearing men such as Charlemagne.